慈濟大學為強化校務發展、善盡大學社會責任、接軌國際永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals SDGs),特設立「全球永續發展目標教研總中心 Research Center for Global SDGs Challenges」,以提昇學校整體永續性與國際化。總中心定位為校級任務導向型教學與研究單位,教研工作屬跨學門之性質,得依計畫或活動之需要,結合本校各院、系、所、中心、學位學程之相關專業人才與設備共同合作參與。

一、 全球永續發展目標推廣與教育訓練(教學)。
二、 規劃及整合本校各研究中心,推動全球永續發展目標相關研究計畫(研究)。
三、 加強本校與國內外之國際合作,促進永續發展學術交流活動(夥伴關係)。
四、 連接與推動本校與全球慈濟志業之交流與研究(志業產業合作)。
五、 培育與關懷全球慈濟志業之本校公費生及獎助生(人才培育)。
六、 彙編本校永續發展相關報告(報告書)。
七、 統籌推動永續發展相關之本校大學排名(大學排名)。
八、 其他推動全球永續發展目標事項。

In order to strengthen university development, fulfill university social responsibilities and deepen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Tzu Chi University (TCU) established the “Research Center for Global SDGs Challenges” to enhance the university’s overall sustainability and internationalization. This center is positioned as a university-level teaching and research center, cross-disciplinary in nature, combining the relevant professionals across the various colleges, departments, institutes and centers.

The main objectives of this center are:
1. Teaching: Educating and knowledge impartment of SDGs.
2. Research: Planning and integrating of various TCU research centers, promoting SDGs related research.
3. Partnerships: Strengthening of SDGs related cooperation between TCU and domestic/international partners.
4. TC Cooperation: Connect and promote exchanges and research between TCU and the global Tzu Chi family.
5. Scholars: Training, educating and caring for global Tzu Chi scholars.
6. Reports: Compilation of SGDs related reports.
7. University Rankings: Coordinating and development of SDGs related university rankings.
8. Others: Other matters related to SGDs development.

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